Thursday, October 21, 2010

Sick of the Mundane? Get a Hobby

Does homework, drinking, working, television and dating seem to be some of your so called ‘hobbies’? If so, it might be time to get a real hobby. It seems that all of the above at one time have been my so called ‘hobbies’ and it only led to dissatisfaction and boredom.

Homework was always a chore, drinking caused a lot of drama, work was a bore, television was annoying and dating was stressful. I can finally say I have three hobbies: painting, running and drawing. All three bring me much pleasure, relaxation and self evaluation.

According to ‘hobby’ is defined as, “an activity or interest pursued for pleasure or relaxation and not as a main occupation.”

Far from being a waste of time, having a hobby provides stress relief. It can also boost your creativity and self-esteem. Completing or adding to a project or collection can bring a sense of accomplishment and it’s a rewarding experience to share your hobby with others, as I do with my artwork. Below are some of my recent accomplishments.

"Conceal" Acrylic Painting

"My Heart" Acrylic Painting

"Silly" Drawing

"Leaving Behind" Acrylic Painting

Friday, October 8, 2010

What does it take to love yourself?

Have you ever looked in the mirror and told yourself, "I love me" or said it in your head? Do you love being you? It's a simple thing to do, but do you really love the good, bad, ugly, pretty person you have grown to become?

How often do you tell yourself?

"Why did you say that?"
"You're so stupid."
"You just made a fool of yourself."
"You can't do that."
"You're ugly."

All of these things are self-destructive and inflicted by the ME in all of us. Over the past couple weeks, I've evaluated my thoughts after every time I've internally said these things. At that moment, I remind myself that I love being ME.  Below is what it takes to love being you by Christine Arylo in her book, "Choosing ME before WE". I couldn't agree more and I just had to share. Discover how loving yourself can ignite the spirit within you!

1. Be Your Own Best Friend. Love hanging out with you. When you re deeply connected to ME, there's no reason to fear being alone. Honestly believe the following: "I would rather be companion less than with others who take away from how great I feel about ME, whether this refers to family, friends or a man."

2. See your magnificence and beauty. Embrace the amazing woman you are every day. Let everyone around you see her too. Cherish you own brilliance, without reserve or fear of it being greater than someone else's light. The more radiant you are, the more others will be inspired to show their own splendor.

3. Love all of yourself, even the not-so-pretty parts. Accept the flaws, idiosyncrasies, and weaknesses. Love yourself for who you have been and are. Forgive yourself for decisions that were not self-supporting. Acknowledge the dark parts of your life and spirit, and love them just as they are.

4. Make decisions guided by self-love. Take actions only if they uphold your commitment to self. Always be honest about how a relationship or other situation adds to or detracts from loving ME. And if you can't be honest with yourself, ask a trusted friend to advice you --and actually listen to what this person says.

5. Change your perspective on beliefs that counter self-love. Tell those negative voices in your head to take a hike, throw the "shoulds' into the garbage, and leave the bags of guilt at the door. Be willing to believe in the possibility of new possibilities, ones that breed and nourish love.

6. Never apologize for who you are. Believe that your choices, made with integrity and love, never have to be justified to anyone else. Be confident in who you are, and never let anyone say you should be someone else.

7. Make unconditional love a requirement for all relationships. Keep only the relationships with people--partners, friends, and family--who accept, love, and support you for you. They don't have to always like, agree with, or understand you choices, or you theirs, but love in the relationship must be unwavering. Do not have relationships with people who cannot love you as you are today, whose love is condition or inconsistent. If you aren't getting unconditional love from someone you'd like to remain in your life, be willing to ask for it and to be honest about how they can give it.

8. Give and receive. One of the best parts of loving ME is getting to love other people too. Love others freely, without expectation, resentment, or attachment to the outcome.