Title: “Choosing Me Before We”
Author: Christine Arylo.
You won't want to put this bad boy down after reading the first 5 pages. Be prepared to take charge of your life and learn to love yourself.
It’s an empowering book about finding and loving yourself before you decide to find and love a partner. I recommend having a journal close by to jot down ideas, thoughts and feelings. Arylo provides questions and short exercises after every chapter to help you apply the guide to your life.
I would give this book 5 stars!! A must read.
Title: “Be Honest You Are Not that Into Him Either”
Author: Dr. Ian Kerner.
A book about not lowering your standards and to start searching for what you really want in a partner. This book made me realize that I normally end up dating guys that I’m not really into in the first place. There are a lot of reasons why us ladies do this and this book might just help you to stop this vicious cycle. Man, does that cycle get old and sucky.
The books makes some good points; however, it kind of paints the lone woman as a skanky woman. I was a bit disappointed that the author seems to think that if you are single you are screwing the whole damn town. Well I'm single and I surely am not screwing the town or anyone in the time being.
Overall, I recommend the book. It might empower you to want more and to stop seeking male attention.
Title: Getting Past Your Breakup
A book that will motivate you to turn your devastating loss into the best thing that ever happened to you. This book is written for people who are going through a long term relationship breakup or a divorce. Elliott will help you to understand why you were not compatible with your ex and help you to move forward with your life.
As women, we constantly replay moments in relationships and hold onto certain things from our past relationships that hinder our ability to move on. Elliott will help you to stop this mental hell and allow for you to move past your breakup.
Elliott recommends that you start a journal while reading this book. This will help for you to create a road map out of your rut.
I just got out of a short relationship and this book has helped me immensely. It has reassured me that I am not alone and not crazy for my thoughts and feelings. She has given me some helpful tips to stop my brain from thinking my ex wants me back and to just stop dwelling in the past. Now when my ex crossed my mind I tell myself, "It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter." It seriously works. I am also working on self affirmations to improve my self esteem. Every break up can be hard on that.
Title: Marry Him
Author: Lori Gottlieb
An interesting book about all the things women do wrong when trying to find a partner for life. Gottlieb will give you an interesting perspective of a woman who is in her 40s, single and still searching for her Mr. Right. She offers advice on what she did wrong and what she wishes she would of done if she would of only been wiser in her 20s and 30s. It basically is a book of 'dont's' from ladies who have done the dating scene for centuries.
My take away from the book is to not have a realistic image of what I'm looking for in a partner. To not get so caught up in looks and things that will only matter in the short term. I need to start looking for characteristics of a man who would be a good partner for a lifetime, not just for a few months or years. Before we know it our prime years will be behind us and the good men will be scooped up. The older we all get in the single world the more callous, cold and self sufficient we become. Three things that make us all not the easiest partners.
I recommend this book to someone in their 30s who is still looking for greener pastures.
Title: Meeting Your Half Orange
Author: Amy Spencer
Are you needing a good energy boost to kick you back into the dating scene? If so, then pick up this book and you are bound to find yourself feeling optimistic about finding the love of your life or as Amy Spencer would say, "mi media naranja". This means 'my half orange' in Spanish, used to describe someone's beautiful, perfect other half.
Approach dating with optimism, create optimism in your life and good things will come your way in life. I recommend this book to someone who seems to find themselves in a dating rut.
Title: Marry Him
An interesting book about all the things women do wrong when trying to find a partner for life. Gottlieb will give you an interesting perspective of a woman who is in her 40s, single and still searching for her Mr. Right. She offers advice on what she did wrong and what she wishes she would of done if she would of only been wiser in her 20s and 30s. It basically is a book of 'dont's' from ladies who have done the dating scene for centuries.
My take away from the book is to not have a realistic image of what I'm looking for in a partner. To not get so caught up in looks and things that will only matter in the short term. I need to start looking for characteristics of a man who would be a good partner for a lifetime, not just for a few months or years. Before we know it our prime years will be behind us and the good men will be scooped up. The older we all get in the single world the more callous, cold and self sufficient we become. Three things that make us all not the easiest partners.
I recommend this book to someone in their 30s who is still looking for greener pastures.
Author: Amy Spencer
Are you needing a good energy boost to kick you back into the dating scene? If so, then pick up this book and you are bound to find yourself feeling optimistic about finding the love of your life or as Amy Spencer would say, "mi media naranja". This means 'my half orange' in Spanish, used to describe someone's beautiful, perfect other half.
Approach dating with optimism, create optimism in your life and good things will come your way in life. I recommend this book to someone who seems to find themselves in a dating rut.