Oh how this week has not been one of my finest. It seems that everyday something unexpected seems to throw my day out of whack. Today is the fourth day into the week and of course the fourth upsetting thing has happened today.

During this not so good week, the one thing that seems to be doing wonderful is my running routine. I'm jogging between 5 and 6 miles a day and can see dramatic definition in my legs and abdominals.
Living in Waukesha has been great, however the hopeful career start isn't looking up for me yet. I currently have been applying for about 2 jobs a day in addition to bartending and freelance writing.
The other day, I was training to waitress at my new job when it dawned on me that I should be the one being waited on during my lunch break not the other way. Urrr... it is so hard to put my pride aside.
So I'm trying to stay positive, realizing that a couple downers can make me appreciate life when it is great.
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