Saturday, March 24, 2012

Lose Yourself to Find Yourself

Today I started the official countdown till my big move to Texas. I have 29 amazing days left to live in Wisconsin!!

My time is now limited, but the opportunities that lie ahead for me are limitless. What I’m looking forward to the most is: losing myself. It might sound odd, but through traveling I have learned to be confident in who I am. I have become aware of my strengths and become well aware of my weaknesses. Let’s just say, I have no real sense of navigational direction and I now put my trust in the faithful Garmin!

I grew up in a family where my parents didn’t take us outside of the county limits much. Likely because my siblings and I weren’t little angels and because raising 5 children on a middle-class salary didn’t leave much money for family vacations. When I would encounter places outside of the bubble I lived in, I felt awkward and scared. I depended upon material possessions and people I knew to define who I was.

After experiencing new places and being away from the familiar I lost myself. At first it was frightening, but with time it became liberating! Through losing myself, I have found myself. The person I have found isn’t defined by her possessions, rather by her character, integrity, creativity and faith.

I encourage you to lose yourself, take a risk, take a chance, and POP the bubble you live in.

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