I've done some reflecting over the past couple days about my emotional state and I've concluded that birth control has been making me emotional. I hadn't really thought much about it, until I had a conversation with my mother about the Nuvaring I am on. She told me she felt very similar when she was on the pill and at times paranoid.
I started the ring two months ago, and ever since felt depressed and have found myself crying over small good and bad things. Well I can't handle this up and down roller coaster of emotions anymore. I'm going to get myself off of this ring. My sex life is non-existent any how so taking back control over my feelings and saving money will be good...also no plans for sex in the near future.
I'll return to birth control when I'm in a relationship where my partner can understand how the increase of hormones can affect me. I'm not alone in how I've been feeling. I've done some web searching about the effects of birth control. Check out these sites if interested in reading more: http://www.medications.com/se/nuvaring, http://www.medications.com/se/nuvaring/going-crazy, http://www.birth-control-drugstore.com/side-effects.html, http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2001/07/010725081754.htm.
So if you're thinking about going on birth control make sure you have a supportive partner and are aware of the side effects.
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