I'm sure you've wondered what men think about love, relationships, intimacy and commitment. I have, and was recently given a highly recommended book "Act Like a Lady, Think Like A Man" by Steve Harvey from my dear mother. She encouraged me to read it so that I could better understand the MEN in my life. I took her advice and I'd love to share some insight with you about the opposite sex we ladies can't seem to understand or live without!
I first need to say and admit that men are simple and women are complicated. All they need is support, love and sex. So keep this in mind as you read the insight I received from the book.
Men show love differently than women. They aren't as mushy, emotional, romantic, complimentary, passionate, nurturing or hoping for a scene out of "The Notebook" or "P.S. I love you;" like we are. In reality a man shows his love in three ways by Professing, Providing and Protecting. If he isn't doing these three things for you, then he definitely isn't thinking long term and you should drop him! If a man wants to be yours, he's willing to tell anybody and everybody about you (profess). Once a man has professed or claimed you he will want to make sure you are cared for (provide). "Society has told us men for millennium that our primary function is to make sure our families are set- whether we're alive or dead (25)." Thirdly he will stand by you and will do his best to make sure nothing bad happens to you (protect).
A man has to have three things accomplished before he can be the man you need or want in your life. Until a man has accomplished these things or is at least on the track to accomplishing them he won't be able to adequately fulfill your needs of attention and satisfaction. Majority of his attention will be going to focus in upon himself, not you or the future of your relationship...that will drive you nuts.
Men at a young age are primed to pursue "manhood." They are constantly in pursuit of becoming a man. As a man matures he needs to accomplish knowing "who he is, what he does and how much he makes." Until then he will not be able to be the complete package a woman wants or needs in her life because he hasn't yet accomplished the foundation for what his whole life has been made to focus upon.
So the take away from this book is to understand that you won't be able to get the kind of relationship a woman feels she deserves with a man until that man has reached his level of "manhood" by his own definition. So ladies don't waste your time trying to change men who are trying to work on attaining their "manhood." It will only cause you to be frustrated and dissatisfied. Let the man develop on his own and in the mean time go find a man who is ready to have a good woman in his life, because that is what you need and want.
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