3 pointless e-mails and two rejection letters from Kerry and Environment America...how much more rejection can a girl take? So I didn't get either job, I also didn't get two others. I'm feeling a little salty and disappointed but I know that I did all that I could to have received employment. I'm not taking these rejections as a personal set back, if anything it's a step forward because I'm learning the lesson of rejection. I'm going to accept that I didn't get the job and continue the job hunt game. I know the skills and qualifications I have to offer a company and I will find employment.
My biggest fear right now is that I won't have a job in my chosen field after graduation. With 39 days until graduation and 39 days left of insurance, I'm starting to feel a little pressure upon my shoulders. How can I enjoy my graduation when I don't have a job lined up afterward in which I can apply my education to?
So I guess it's more cover letters and resumes being placed out there. Otherwise time to be an entrepreneur and start my own agency. Maybe recruit other J-schoolers who are having difficulty finding a career and start our own business. It might just work and we might be able to finagle some free P.R.
So when rejection comes in your life, learn from it and realize you've learned an important lesson. Not everything is going to go the way you plan it or hope for, but what's great about rejection is that when you're not rejected you have a greater appreciation. That can be applied to all things in life and it can also be used in an interview as a good example of something not going your way :).
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