Tuesday, June 15, 2010

SCREAM and Let It Out

I literally SCREAMED as loud as I could twice today and it felt AMAZING! The sensation I had afterward made me smile and giggle.

I needed to just release all the bulls-shit that has been on my mind lately. All day I had stressful thoughts and emotions going threw my brain. It was starting to make me feel depressed and sick. I just needed to free myself from this tension but I didn't know how. I thought to scream at the top of my lungs while staring at my computer in my cubicle; but that would have resulted in the entire second floor of Kohl's thinking I was dying or crazy.

So after work while I was doing 75 on the freeway, I looked around me to ensure no other drivers could see me and I just let my windshield have it! I let my INNER BITCH ROAR and it felt oh so good. I actually surprised myself at how loud my scream was. The raspyness in my vocal cords came together into one loud tone and my diaphragm tightened. It was a feeling that I have not felt since I was a child screaming because things weren't going my way.

After the first scream I smiled and felt the need to just give it one more scream! After the second scream, I giggled and I felt a sense of peace. As if I had just overcome something triumphant.

I felt instantly like I was back in control of my life. I have been wanting to scream for the past couple weeks. I was just too concerned with how others would interpret or react to my scream, so I put it off and assumed it was just foolish.

So if you have stress and crap going on in your life: SCREAM! If you feel like your starting to lose yourself in this great big world: SCREAM! Find a secluded spot and just let it out. You just might be happy you did. Make sure to share you experience with someone close to you.

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