Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Like Mother, Like Daughter

Ever realize that the older you get the more you start to turn into one or both of your parents? If you're like most people, you probably said to yourself at least once during your childhood or teen years: “I'm never going to behave like my mother!" Well it's time for me to fess up: I'M TURNING INTO MY MOTHER!! *smiles* Oh how the rebellious teenager within me would be so ashamed.
I recently returned from a vacation with my mother and her friends in Southern Georgia and there were several moments that I thought: "Mom did you really have to say that, do that or request that?" But then it dawned on me, I would of said the same thing, did the same thing or requested the same item. WAY TO GO MOM! Why did I seem so judgmental?

She has a way of bringing quirkiness into dull conversations, certainly to uncertain moments, strength during times of weakness, positivity when things seems downbeat and gives without needing praise or focusing too much on the aspect of money. As I've aged, my relationship with my mother has blossomed into a great friendship. I enjoy sharing stories with her about my goals, troubles, insecurities and triumphs, because it allows for me to hear similar stories about her own life before I even existed. It’s intriguing to learn the reasons behind the decisions she made to get through life’s tribulations.

I will forever cherish the moments I have to share with my mother. She is an amazing woman who has made many sacrifices to provide a stable environment for my siblings and I. She has paved a solid path for me to build my life upon. We really are a product of our parents. Raise your children well and love them unconditionally. I love you mom!