Friday, April 3, 2009

There is Always a Flipside

There are always pros and cons to living the single life or living the relationship life. After a short conversation with a sophomore classmate today, I concluded to myself that if I could do my undergraduate years over again I would have been single and dated more. And that was the exact advice I gave her.

Don't get me wrong, I'm very content being in a relationship again, but there are just somethings people need to experience and get out of their systems while they are young. Below you will find the pros and cons to both lifestyles. Unfortunately you can't have both, but it's very good to have experienced both. Because like many say, "You have to experience the sour, to appreciate the sweet."

1. Being the third or fifth wheel when hanging out with your pals gets really old fast
2. Love movies make you feel like a complete failure in life
3. Masturbation can only get you through for so long
4. The only potential mates you come to find are already in relationships or married
5. Awkward bad dates
6. People who just don't understand that you're just not that into them and then having to make up weird excuses as to why you don't want to hangout

1. Drunken make-out sessions with bar hotties are always fun
2. You don't have to buy groceries for a week because if you schedule three dates with three people-the leftovers of steak, seafood and that exotic Ty restaurant will get you through
3. You're not responsible for someone else's feelings and emotions
4. You can flirt and flaunt yourself around town
5. If you are a woman all drinks are free when going out to bar
6. An unknown incoming phone call brings delight and mystery
7. Dating can be lots of fun
8. Through dating you learn what you want and don't want in a partner

1. When you're taken everyone you ever wanted wants you, but you can't do anything about it
2. You have to be responsible for someone else's feeling and emotions
3. Arguments over things you just don't quite understand
4. Your partner doesn't try as hard to make you feel special or to look good for you

1. Foreplay and sex are accessible, and can be taken to new levels
2. Snuggle sessions and sleepovers
3. You have someone you can confide in about everything
4. The feeling of not being alone
5. The feeling of being in love
6. Being able to place your guard down and just be yourself
7. Your family doesn't think you are gay anymore

1 comment:

  1. #2 in Cons of Single Lifestyle is SO UNBELEVIABLY TRUE. haha

    I love your blog :)
