Saturday, January 15, 2011

Dumping My Husband-Shopping List

I'll admit that I once created a list of all the qualities and attributes I wanted in a partner. Let's just say my list was not short (it was over 2 pages single spaced). Going forward with my dating life I am dumping my husband-shopping list. I am in the market for a good person with similar relationship goals, values and shared interests.

Many of you may not have a physical list, but I'm sure many of you have a list in your head. You may require your partner to have or be a certain body type, hair color, intelligence level, educational background, family structure, particular interest and the requirements or wants go on and on. The thing is some of the qualities on our lists are not important when it comes down to finding a partner to form a happy marriage with. We also might be overlooking Mr. Right because of one single insignificant thing. The real things that may be the most important are common relationship goals, values, individual needs and shared interests.

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