Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Patience the Companion of Wisdom

Patience seems to be a virtue I have struggled to acquire. In this rapid world of instant solutions, microwave ovens and high speed Internet, it seems that patience is a wise lesson many of us don't seem to learn and quite frankly don't make time for.Without patience, we seem to find ourselves overly stressed and lacking in anything significant. Patience is about accepting the present moment and waiting out the future.

Waiting out the future seems to be where I want to start pulling out my hair and grinding my teeth. It's as if, I want to figure out the end of the story or problem by skipping all the steps it takes to get to the solution or outcome. This ultimately leads to me being dissatisfied. 

The good things in life take time. Pain and suffering need to come along the way, so that we can experience bliss. The reason is because pleasure isn't as enjoyable without the pain, so we have to be patient and endure our lives and accept our situations to be able to experience the bliss that will come in time.

Right now, I'm in a transition period and I have to be patient. I don't want to be. However, I know that I'll find exactly what I'm looking for in a career, home and love life if I am. It's hard for me to sometimes take my own advice; however, it's something I must do.

"Patience is waiting. Not passively waiting. That is laziness. But to keep going when the going is hard and slow - that is patience.” -Anonymous

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