Sunday, March 8, 2009

Living 4 Today vs. Living 4 Tomorrow

I swear time speeds up the older we get. I believe it's due to our fast-paced American culture. We have so many time commitments, things expected of us, material items we have to own, that we fill our busy Blackberries and calendars and lose slight of the present.

Sometimes I find myself to be so focused on the future, that I begin to worry about it, which leads to me being stressed out in the present moment.

When we worry about what may or may not occur in the future, we miss the joy that is available today. It's a paradox. How does one balance living in the now with preparing responsibly for the future?

Planning for the future is fully compatible with living joyfully today. The other aspect of preparing for the future is accepting that things will probably not turn out the way we plan. Creating this acceptance of life's uncertainties is much more challenging than formulating and following through on plans.The source of most worry is a lack of acceptance of the uncertainties of the future. When one fully lives a life of acceptance, life's vagaries are not merely tolerated, but are enjoyed because they are life's gifts.

The recipe for a joyful life is planning and preparing for the future, while simultaneously accepting that you hold virtually no control over future events. By placing no demands on the future, you can enjoy whatever life brings.

My faith has predominantly helped me to deal with my worry. I know that God loves me and has a plan for my life. My faith allows for me to not worry, because his plan will be revealed over time.

"Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment." - Buddha

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